About Families Strong WV

What Is Families Strong WV

Families Strong WV is a free, 8-week support group for the families and friends of individuals who use substances. Our program is specifically for West Virginians. Each group is private and limited to 10 members or less.

Our groups meet online or in-person for up to 1.5 hours at a time each week. During group meetings, participants will be able to share experiences, learn tools to help them cope, and obtain resources to help themselves and their loved ones.

The Families Strong WV program is free to West Virginians because of a grant from the West Virginia Department of Human Services, Bureau for Behavioral Health.

The Families Strong program is designed by the Mosaic Group, a nationally recognized consulting firm. The Mosaic Group developed Families Strong using evidence-based, state-of-the-art practices and real-world experience to support families through these challenges, helping them to come out stronger than ever before.

Who Is The Mosaic Group

Mosaic Group is a consulting firm that designs and implements effective, efficient, and sustainable health care improvement programs. We have extensive experience identifying complex health and social needs and developing intervention strategies that improve the overall health care services for a community.

Our mission is to advance health equity by strengthening the capacity of systems and organizations to meet their community’s most challenging needs. We innovate sustainable solutions that improve health, mental wellness, and overall quality of life for individuals, families, and communities.

Our programs are designed from evidence-based research and the comprehensive experience of our team of behavioral health and health care management professionals. Our programs are also designed to be measurably effective and highly customizable per need, community, and/or environment.

Learn more about the Mosaic Group.

Still have questions? Contact us.


Contact us at the Mosaic Group. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about this program.


Tel: 681-378-2086
Email: [email protected]

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